5月4日、1日早いけどこどもの日のイベントにお誘いいただきましたー!しかもラクロスにて日本人の方や日本語を話す人たちとご対面!We joined Children's day party in La Crosse.
May 5 is Children's Day, when families celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children. It became a national holiday in 1948, but it has been a day of celebration in Japan since ancient times. http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/calendar/may/children.html

みんなで持ち寄った日本食中心のランチに甘酒そしてこいのぼりをあげてくれました!On Children's day, Families with boys fly huge carp-shaped streamers (koinobori) outside the house. We got to meet some Japanese and American who is interested in Japanese culture. It reminds me our life in Australia! Here, it's much harder to find a group like this so I am very excited!

はじめはお互いシャイだった子供達も1時間ぐらいすると一緒にがけに登ったり、木の枝を持って猫を追いかけたりと、猫ちゃんにはちょっとかわいそうだったけど、とっても楽しんでいました!Kids were bit shy to each other but after an hour or so they climbed a rock wall and chased a cat together and had a lot of fun!

いろんな人が写真をアップして作ってみたくなって私も作ってみました!It's made by wanton sheet. (Samurai war helmets)
フィンと一緒におうちには紙のこいのぼりを作りました! We don't have neither Koinobori nor a dolls of famous warriors to display so Finn and I made one!
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