うわーーーーながーーーーい!こういうおなすってここウィスコンシンで探すのはたーーいへん。そしてこのにが瓜!!英語ではビターメロンという名がついています。 It's Loooooooong! It is hard to find Japanese egg plants.And the green one is a bitter melon! I love both!

唯一ビロクアでもう一人の日本人のご近所さんチコさんがお庭で育てたおなすとにが瓜を持ってきてくれました!真智子ばーばが滞在中にとった写真。Our neighbor Chiko is from Okinawa. Bitter melons are very popular in Okinawa! It has a lot of nutrition people from Okinawa have loooong life in general! She brought the vegetables she grew for us! When Machiko was here she visited us too.

そしてアーティストが一つ一つ手作りのこーんなにかわいらしいオーナメントをキイのお祝いに頂きました!名前入り!And she gave us this cute ornament. It has Kii's name and date of birth on it! Wow it is so special!
お~かぁ~ぃ(O.K何故かちょっとオーストラリアジンっぽく発音するフィン)。シェフフィンはさっそくにが瓜をお料理か!Okay! Somewhat Finn pronouns O.K like OZ does! He has his own kitchen now!
あー早く食べたいよーーーーー!I can't wait to eat!!!

ちょっとまってな、真剣に調理してるから!He is serious about cooking! 'I COOK' recently he started putting a couple of words together! I COOK, I PUT, I PLAY WITH TRAINS,,,,, It is very exciting!
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