今日は地元のハイスクールにて寿司クラスのゲストティーチャー行ってきました!高校生のころのお寿司屋さんの3年間のバイトが役に立つ時が来た!ちょっとルンルン!大学生になって一人暮らしするようになっても作れるように、ご飯もお鍋で炊きました!そういえば日本を離れてからご飯はずっとお鍋で焚いてるから炊飯器なしの生活が当たり前になってしまったなーーー。お寿司は海外でもとっても人気の食べ物。生魚は食べる習慣があまりなく、苦手な人が多いので今回はなしで。I was invited to teach how to make Nori roll at YIHC. I am glad that I worked at Sushi shop for 3 years when I was high school I never imagine teaching like this at that time! Not so many people have a rice cooker at home so we cooked rice with a pan so that they can make sushi at home or when they live away from parents. I don't remember when I used rice cooker last time. Since I left home in 2005 I cook rice with my pan. (Almost everybody has a rice cooker at home in Japan) Sushi is very popular dish in abroad but they don't get used to eat raw fish so this time we did with out it.

いよいよみんなが楽しみにしていた巻きに入ります!Students were so excited for this part! Let's roll!!

巻いていくうちにコツがつかめたようでとっても上手に巻けました!Wow it looks great! As they roll more they get better!

中身はシーチキン、アボカド、卵、赤いのはローストレッドペッパー,照り焼き豆腐、そして、ニシンの酢漬け。みんな上出来上出来!簀巻きやしゃもじ、寿司桶を貸してくださったブレンダさん、ありがとう!そして何せ田舎で寿司の材料をそろえようと思うと一苦労。そんな材料をそろえてくれたジェーン(メインティーチャー)、おうちでよい子にしててくれたフィン、ありがとう!!We used Tuna from can, Avocado, egg, Roast red pepper Teriyaki Tofu and pickled herring! Well done everyone!! And thanks Brenda to loan us your Japanese cooking tools we couldn't do without them and thanks Jane to get all the ingredients! And thanks Finn I heard that you were super good boy while I was away!!
His first Sushi! If he points out somewhere saying' u------------nnnnn' means he likes it and wants to have some more. Let's see how it went!!
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