7月4日はアメリカの独立記念日!今日はオレゴン州に留学中の大輝くんがご到着!この先2週間ファームステイとカントリーアクティビティーをご満喫していただきます!Daiki who is studying in Oregon arrived in Wisconsin on Independence day! He is joining our farm- stay and country activities program for 2 weeks!

飛行機の疲れもマイナスイオンたっぷりの自然で癒されますねー!After the long flight, we took him straight for hiking. It's so nice to hit the ground running and head straight out into nature!

ボーイズたちはBBQの準備。Boys are preparing the BBQ!

ウィスコンシン名物ブラッツにチキンを焼いてお野菜と、トルティーヤに包んでいただきました!We have to have Wisconsin brats! We also had chicken with vegetables with tortillas! BBQ is an Independence day tradition!

その後はホストファミリーとのご対面!Finally Daiki got to meet his host family! They also had their friends and relatives over.

おうちの中に入ってみると、、、家族みんなでウェルカムサインを用意していてくれました!これから楽しみだね!この後は独立記念日のパーティーに家族と一緒に!Wow!! They even made a Welcome sign for him! After that they went to their friend's place for an Independence day party! I am sure Daiki will have a lot of fun living with a Wisconsin family!

私たちはビロクアへ戻り、恒例の独立記念日花火を見に行きました!夏だ夏だーー!!昨年はフィンを生んだ後病院に入院していたのでインディペンデンスデーではなくフィンディペンデンスデーと冗談を言っていたのを思い出した!We came back to Viroqua and went to see the annual firework with our family! It's summer time!!!! Last year we were in the hospital as I had Finn and I needed to stay at the hospital 8 days. We called it FINNDEPENDENCE DAY instead!
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