そういえばシダローズのウェディングの写真は私達二人ともウェディング参列だったからとってなかった、、、。誰かが送ってくれるのを待つとして。最近のフィンの様子。We have been posting about Cedarose's wedding parties. I usually take bunch of photos but since both of us were in the wedding, I will wait until someone sends us the photos. Please send us some photos someone! anyone of the 400 people!! For now, I am posting Finn's video that I took today!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
リハーサルディナー The Rehearsal Dinner on the Siemon Farm!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
ウェディングカヌートリップ!the Wedding Canoe trip

ピアノバー the Piano Ber
ファミリーギャザリングBBQ the Family Gathering BBQ

Finn and Grandpa George. They are sharing a chair and hamburger! Cedarose and Keefe invited the family members over for BBQ before their wedding.
妊娠中、やけにハンバーガーが食べたかったのはこの子のせいか!Now I remember that I always wanted to eat hamburgers when I was pregnant!

ウェディングレイディースパーティーズ the Lady’s Wedding parties!

Monday, July 18, 2011
ファーマーズマーケットでお手伝い!Farmer's market with host father!

ポールは何でもできちゃうつわもの!フィドルもかっこよく演奏してくれてお客さんも踊りながらやってきた!Paul was playing fiddle beautifully and people were dancing around their booth!

Saturday, July 16, 2011
ホストブラザージェーコブ! Host Brother Jacob!

Friday, July 15, 2011
ウィスコンシントンネルバイキング!The Old tunnel Biking trail in Wisconsin!

Thursday, July 14, 2011
インディペンデンスデーとファームステイ Independence Day and Farm-stay

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