最終日の午前中はビロクアの町でのフリータイム。It's already the last day?!

B&Bともお別れです。ビロクアの町では、オーガニック、ナチュラル、ローカルグッツが揃い、その他にもアメリカンオールドファッション、アンティークのお店などを楽しむ事ができます。They had some free time in the morning. Viroqua is very small town, but everyone enjoys our world class food coop that has a lot of Natural, Organic and Local stuff! Plus we have three organic dinning options and several local arts or antiques shops! so Viroqua is a small town with plenty of good shopping and dinning!

さあ、午後は最後のクラス、’発酵食品’について学びました!ローカル、フレッシュ、オーガニックフードそしてそのプロセスの仕方により体により良い物を取り入れていく事ができますね!Kさん、私たちもとっても楽しい日々を過ごす事ができました!!ありがとうございます!!This is their last activities 'Fermented food lecture'. We learned about all sorts of ways that you can prepare and eat Fermented foods! On the this Organic Food & Farm tour they have learned about how important it is to eat local, fresh, Organic foods. It will change your life! We love having a Happy and Healthy life and our glad we could share it with you all!
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