さてバレンタインデー当日となりました!今年はフィンもいるので、家でできるアクティビティーをリストアップしました!まずは朝食ママジェーンが焼いてくれたピカーンたっぷりのスウィーツロール!Valentine's day! Now we have Finn so we decided to stay at home. We made a list of activities that we love to do together and spent our day checking them off! We had a lovely heart shaped sweet roll that Mama Jane baked for us. Clovis eat most of that stick of butter in the photo with his.

ヨガをする時間を割く事を最近してなかったな~。フィンもいるからヨガ教室に行くのはなかなか難しいから、お家でやろう!時間を割くかいあり。これを機に毎日続けようかね~。さ、お決まりの音楽をかけて息を吸って~はいて~ We haven't done Yoga for a long time. Going to Yoga Class is a bit hard with Finn, So we took time for Yoga at home. It feels great!

外はこ~んなにいいお天気に!フィンがお昼寝に入ったのでお次のアクティビティーリストクロスカントリーをやろう! Wow it was like spring! We enjoyed cross country skiing while Finn was taking his morning nap.

お!フィンが起きて来た。-20度位の日々から一気に春のようになった今日。と言っても3度前後なんだけど。私たちにとってはとっても暖かい!!外の新鮮な空気をたっぷり浴びてね!Mr. Finn was so happy after napping, he came out and enjoying the view and sun. It was nice and warm outside like spring!

えいっ!!Ya~~~~~~ What's Dadio doing?!?!

お次はまえまえから作りたかったかまくら作り!フィンも不思議そうにあたりを見回す。I wanted to make a snow fort so bad. so I put it on our Valentine's day list!

愛の巣です。Our nest!
かまくらから滑り台!こんな感じです。We connected my sledding trail to the compost to the front of the snow fort! watch me take a run in the video!


フィン、雪おいしい?冷たいでしょ~?!Finn tried to eat some snow! Does it taste good?! It's cold isn't it?!

まだまだ続きます。こんなに暖かくなったので、ちょっと早いけど、春に向けて種を植えよう!Since it's suddenly got so warm we were feeling like planting some seeds. It will be easy to remember when we planted them!

毎年ちょっと種まきが遅れちゃうトマト。今年は準備バッチリ!バレンタインデーに植えたのでいつ植えたかも忘れないしね~。今年からは大きなガーデンスペースで栽培できるので楽しみ~~~!!We are always late for planting something since the last couple of years we were away from Wisconsin for the winter. With our new home we have big space for gardening. We are so excited for spring and gardening!!

さて、いっぱい遊んだので今度は昨日のうちに焼いておいたチョコレートチーズケーキ。ご近所さんが蜂蜜から作ったワインと一緒に頂きました!私たちの7回目のバレンタインデーにカンパーイ! Then we had Chocolate cheese cake that I baked yesterday. We had our neighbor Greg and Anna's Honey meed. It's like champagne. We loved it thanks guys!! Canpa~~iiiii for our 7th Valentine's day and 7th Anniversary together!!

On Valentine's day, we always have a BBQ. It's our favorite meal! After Finn went to bed, we took a sauna. We did so many fun things. I am so happy spending Valentine's day with my favorite boys!!