9 Japanese landed in Minneapolis! There is a direct flights from Tokyo to
Minneapolis (about 11 and a half hours). At the immigration, The immigration officer didn't believe that they where going to
Viroqua WI for sight seeing! They were all half sleeping and dazed going through immigration when
Machiko was called to a different room, suddenly every one had to wake up
immediately and try and finding some English words that they leaned a
looooooong time ago. Finally they made it through!! Good job!!! (Mainly
Maiko was able to sort things out) It was the first adventure of their Wisconsin trip!

私たちの町に はミネアポリスから約3時間半ほどのドライブ。ミシシッピ川がミネアポリスのあるミネソタ州とウィスコンシン州の州境となる。ウィスコンシン側の道を通ると、あの大草原の 小さな家のローラが生まれたペピンという町も通ります。It takes about 3 and half hour to drive down the Mississippi from Minneapolis to
Viroqua. The Mississippi is the border between Minnesota and Wisconsin, we took Wisconsin side of the river which has nicer views! We stopped in Pepin, where Laura
Ingalls was born , for a rest.

途中お手洗い休憩にとペピンの町に泊まったが最後。あの長フライトの後でも皆いそいそとミュージア ムへ。中にはローラのグッツや、映画の中での家の様子を再現したお部屋等を見る事が出来ます。まきストーブやかわいらしいオールドカントリーキッチングッ ツ。???これって私たちの町ビロクアでは今でもこんな感じだよな~と思いつつ。
We were
supposed to stop here only 15 min but of course everyone wanted to peak at the Museum! It
displayed a lot of old fashion kitchen goods, clothes etc. it is cute but wait a second,,,, it also looks like
normal Wisconsin farm house!!!!

外国人の挨拶は握手やハグ(抱き合う)、キスをするのが一般的ですので、日本人としては初めは戸惑いますね~。ウェルカム トゥー アメリカ!!
They met a lot of Americans. When we meet people in japan for the first time, we just say hello but in the western world it is different.
Maiko, you just simply shake his hand!!

chan brought special Japanese sake from his area. We can buy sake here in Wisconsin but not special sake like this!
Daiginjyo is top class Sake. it's less than 50% rice.

We had Jane's homemade
Lasagna!! Cheese, pork, spinach and homemade tomato
sauce and cherry pie for desert! The Japanese people were so
impressed by the desert. Their
image of American sweets has been
totally changed!!

とりあえず、集合写真!これでもすでに夜の9時位。ウィスコンシンの夏は夜まで明るいんですね~!さて、明日からのアドベンチャーの為に今日はゆっくりこのミシシッピ川沿いのバケーションハウスで休んで頂きましょう!Time for group photo! This is just beginning or our adventure! Everyone, sleep tight!!
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