It's getting warmer. Spring has come! We decided to BBQ today! We went to buy some charcoal but since people don't BBQ in winter time here in Nozawa, the shops didn't have it,,,,But our neighbor who has a wood stove gave us wood and charcoal!!

炭焼きはやっぱり美味しい!!Oh~~~~~~~~~~ I missed it! We always BBQ in Wisconsin!

すっかり村は春ですが、山ではまだまだ雪があります。頂上の辺りは、ゴールデンウィークあたりまでスキーができるとか!Nozawa village is already spring but still lots of snow is on the top of the mountain! We can do skiing until beginning of May in Nozawa!

翌日皆は、頂上から丘を2つぐらい超えるスキー、スノボの旅に出かけました。まだ人が足を踏み入れていない新鮮な雪の上のお散歩 Next day, Nozawa staff went for ski trip from the top of our mountain down and up two mountains and finally down and out a big valley to a Outdoor Onsen (hot spring)! You can still see lot of new snow that nobody has stepped on yet!

It's just gorgeous! ほんとうにきれい!!!

ランチを食べてエネルギー補給!Get some energy!
It was about 3-4 hour trip! Everyone had a great time but was good and tired by time they got to the Onsen!!! Enjoy Onsening!!!
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