It has been great weather! We visited Greg and Fey's Organic Apple farm.
Apple blossom are in full bloom now !!!
It has been great weather! We visited Greg and Fey's Organic Apple farm.
Apple blossom are in full bloom now !!!

まずファームについて目にとまるのが、たくさんの豚達がリンゴの木の周りで何やら土を掘り返 している。そうなんです。この豚達が土を耕し、そして次には鶏達をここに放し、耕したときに出てきた虫を食べるんです。そのあとは羊達が背の低い草を食べ、そして馬達が違う高さの草を食べる。動物を順々 に放すことによって、虫よけ、草刈り、肥料づくりをし、よい土を作り上げます。
They are really amazing farmers.
You can't miss the way of their farming. They use all benefit from animals. They let pigs on the ground to dig soil so they can till. Then put chickens so that they can eat bags from the tilled dirt. Next is sheep. They eat grass and houses too. They eat different grass and they will make quality soil too!
They are really amazing farmers.
You can't miss the way of their farming. They use all benefit from animals. They let pigs on the ground to dig soil so they can till. Then put chickens so that they can eat bags from the tilled dirt. Next is sheep. They eat grass and houses too. They eat different grass and they will make quality soil too!

These are different levels of Organic farming. Some of them are just border of the line but here, I would say this is the real Organic!! They keep trying whatever good for nature even sometimes it is very risky for them. They think about nature all the time and let them live comfortably same as human. We want to have nice life so as plants!
They encourage young people know about Organic agriculture. They started to teach at public high school ' Organic Agriculture' which was the first time a public school had Organic Agriculture lesson in their curriculum in the USA.
Today they explained a lot of key for Organic Apple farming. It was just amazing.
We learned that we should be nice to nature and nature will be nice to us too!

After that, we transplanted strawberry. To make stronger strawberry, they let plant just settle down which means they won't get any strawberry so that strawberry can use all nutrition for their roots and get enough nutrition for themselves. I realized that the key for Organic farming is SOIL. It is also same as human. Plants need time to get comfortable with the soil human need time to get used to live new environment!
We really should think about plant how they feel! That is the key!!

Then we visited another farm (Vegetable and flower). Arolo 2 years old girl helped us weeding! Organic farm always needs weeding. It takes long time and need man power but we can make such a nice vegetables!
We picked seasonal vegetable!

Onion, chocolate mints, finnel!
This year is bit colder than normal but it is getting warmer so farmers are excited!
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