今回は約14.5kmの道のりで、途中2つのトンネルを通ります。ここは昔電車が走っていました。We did 9mile!!! Even 5 years old Kii had no problem at all!

トンネルの中は暗いので、懐中電灯をつけて歩きます! Sparta Elroy biking trail is an amazing bike trail. We went through two tunnels. It used to be a train track!
途中の公園で遊びタイム!Play at the play ground little bit but this is only time they took a rest.
みんな無事完走!すごいスピードでビュンビュン飛ばして、私のほうが追いつくの大変なぐらいでした。We did it!! 9 miles!!!
ランチの後はケーキタイム!グランマのガーデンでとれたイチゴのケーキ!スポンジはシンプルなバニラのカップケーキにしました!Then we had lunch and cake time! Finn's birthday is always around strawberry time! Strawberry with simple Vanilla cupcake with whipping cream is way to go!
まだまだボーイズたちは遊び足りないみたいなので、最後はプールにて!They are game for swimming after that! Out side was bit chilly so we decided to go indoor pool in Viroqua.
We all had a lot of fun! They are really great friends!
さ、今度はお誕生日の当日。この日はサマースクールもあったので、学校でもたくさんの人におめでとーと言ってもらえて、うれしかったみたい。私もいつも誕生日は夏休み中だったから、気持ちわかるわかる!!学校が終わって、またまたプールでお友達とお約束。 Now it is on his birthday! Finn and Kii go to summer school and swimming class. His birthday is always during summer holiday so I bet he felt so happy when his friends said happy birthday to him at school!

今度はグランマ、グランパたちとお祝いしてもらいました!They it's family time! Grandma and Grandpa joined us!

グランマのローストチキンはみんなの大好物!Grandma's roasted chicken is everyone's favorite!

ケーキ。これ、何かわかるかな?白をベースにできるものってなかなか難しかったなぁ And cake time! Can you tell what it is?!

大好きなブラザーからのカードやら、たくさんのギフトをいただきました!They love each other so much. Kii gave Finn very nice card! Finn got so many gifts!

最後のギフトは、これ!最近始めたバスケットボール。この先、3人のボーイズたちが楽しめるようにと、グランパグランマが、バスケットゴールを買ってくれました!This is the last and fuge gift. It;s a basket hoop!! Finn has been playing basketball at school and he really wanted it at home!!! Wow luckey kids!!
I can't believe it has been 7 years!!! Recently Finn's feet are getting so big and he started to play lots of sports, he can read quite a lot. It has been so much fun ! One day they will be very independent and don't need Mom and Dan's help so much,,, I know the time will come someday so only I can do is enjoy every single day with my family!!