いとこ同士こうやって遊べるのっていいね~!Oh it was so great that our kids got to hang out with their cousins a lot!
ゆなはもう小学校卒業だ!いつの間にかいいお姉ちゃんになってた!Yuna was born when Clovis and I met. She grew so much!

学校では吹奏楽部で大活躍!小さいから出しておっきなホルン吹いてます! She plays the horn at school. She is petite so the horn looks even bigger!!
公園でもいっぱい遊んでもらったね!We had so much fun with Baba!
ば~ばのマイカーは昔から自転車。どこまででも行っちゃいます!滞在中、ティオをのせて電車を見に行ったり、買い物行ったり。いまだにティオは”ばぁば 電車 いった~”と話してます!This is her car! She always picked us up when she needed by her bicycle even rainy day! She doesn't have a driving license! But this is even better!
みんなでパジャマ、ばぁばだ~い好き!Pajama!! We love Baba!!
いよいよ帰国。Now it's time to say good bye to Baba!
ありがとば~ば!6週間、お世話なりました~~~~!!Thanks for hosting us for 6 Weeks!!We will miss you!!
羽田空港。At Haneda international airport!

次に日本に来れるのをまた今から楽しみにしてまーす!みんな、ありがとう!ほんと楽しかった~~~~!!Thank you everyone we had so much fun together!!

この後、羽田から出発し、アラスカの火山が噴火していたため、数時間遅れ、乗継便に乗れず、夜まで待ったらその便もキャンセル。ミネアポリスのホテルでとまった。帰ってきましたこの寒さ、全然恋しくな~い!!Our flight was delayed because a volcano erupted in Alaska!! We arrived around 3PM and missed a flight from Minneapolis to La Crosse though the flight was canceled anyway. And we waited for the next one which was 10 PM. But the flight was canceled!!
So we stayed at a hotel which boys loved the bunk bed with the curtain! We got up 5AM and got on the shuttle to the airport. Finally we were on the airplane!! But we were told to get off,,,, another problem... La Crosse airport was running out of antifreeze chemical,,,, Delta made us wait until 3PM and said there is no shuttle available so we had to rent a car by ourselves!!!
合計48時間かかってお家に帰りました~あ~疲れた~~~~!!We took all our bags and boxes and transferred to the car which was NOT EASY!!! We drove to La Crosse and got our van and drove home,,, It took us 48 hours to get home this time!!! We were tired but we made it!!!