今回日本帰国の目玉イベントはお友達の結婚式!カードホルダーは彼女の手作り。一人一人に心をこめての手彫り。普段めっちゃくちゃ忙しそうやのに、すごいなーーー!!Biggest event for this trip was my friend's wedding! They had the wedding at Meiji jingu http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/english/index.html It's in the middle of Tokyo but it has beautiful nature around!
明治神宮にて式を終えて披露宴会場へ。Their wedding was held at the shrine which we were not allowed to take photos but it was very nice. Then we moved to the place for the reception.
よいしょー!It has Sake in it. bride and groom break the lid with a hummer together and share the sake with the families and guests for their good luck.
ヒノキの香りがたまりません。It is for drinking sake made from Japanese cypress. Smells so good and it make the taste even better!
幼馴染で記念撮影!We are old friends!
花嫁さんは お色直しに母と共に退場。In the middle of the reception, bride changes her Kimono.
今度は真っ赤な着物に包まれて。旦那様は韓国の方なのでお母さんは韓国の衣装。新たな国際カップルの誕生!Now she is in red! The gloom is from Korea so his mother was in the traditional Korean close.